Monday, January 17, 2011

Still alive...

We've been snowed in for the past week which has put a dent in my training but school starts back up tomorrow and the house will once again be mine for some personal time to train. I've kept up with my workouts as best I could and have been routinely hitting the treadmill even though I hate it. For running I need to be outside and actually covering ground to feel like I'm accomplishing anything. Plus, when I'm out running and getting further and further around the pond/path/mountain or whatever I MUST keep running in order to get back and get home. On a treadmill I don't have that additional drive and motivation to keep going since I can just stop and hop off. At this stage of my life and fitness I'm self aware enough to acknowledge that I require that motivation to help me force myself to keep going.

Diet is going well so far. The Livestrong App on the iPhone and iPad is really helping me keep track of what I shove down my gullet. I rarely go over my allowed calories and at last weigh in had lost over 5 pounds so something is working :) I want to lose another 20-30 pounds overall but I know that won't happen by the time the Princess gets here or Tough Mudder. We'll see though.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And I thought the Fit Test was bad.....




Day 2 of Insanity! (Plyometric Cardio Circuit) completed and I'm wondering what the frak I was thinking. I did it, but man it hurt. I took a few small breather breaks here and there but kept up as best I could. I can already feel the burning muscles in places I've never felt before so it appears to be working.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Oh wait, yes I can.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I went a little bit Insane today.

Some friends and I have decided to run the Tough Mudder and Warrior Dash. Both are muddy nasty trail runs with obstacles every so often. The Tough Mudder is 10mi and the Warrior Dash is 3.1mi. Naturally, with Murphy's Law being around, the shorter event is the 2nd one and not the first one that comes up. No matter which comes first I've got to get in shape. To work on that, today I started the Insanity! program. Insanity! is an intense cardio exercise program that is aptly named. The Fit Test consist of 8 base exercises that you do and count your reps. The Fit Test is repeated every 2 weeks to track your improvement. I'm a bit nervous about the rest of the program because the Fit Test kicked my ass.

Here are my counts for the exercises:
  • Switch Kicks : 43
  • Power Jacks : 26
  • Power Knee : 60
  • Power Jumps : 15
  • Globe Jumps : 3
  • Suicide Jumps : 6
  • Push-Up Jacks : 6
  • Low Plank Oblique : 30

Based on the people doing the exercises in the video I did so-so to incredibly shitty depending on the exercise. Granted, the people in the video are actually in shape and have been working on the Insanity! program longer than me so I have no delusions that I should be up to their level. Its going to be tough to make myself do this but I'm motivated and sticking to a good diet so I might not like it but I'm going to do it. :)

I guess we'll see what my numbers look like in 2 weeks.