Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The annual trip to Savannah

The annual family trip to Savannah, GA was today. It was the typical chaotic cluster fuck that always happens when you get 3 kids (5,8,10) and 6 adults together and attempt to maintain order and calmness while wandering the streets of Savannah. It just can't be done without someone getting pissed off for not getting to go where they want, when they want. Try it sometime. I dare you. It can't be done. No matter what you do, everyone will want to go where they want and do their stop first.

Lessons learned this year, besides to not go next year, are:
  1. When you arrive at your destination at 11:30 with 3 kids EAT LUNCH FIRST! Waiting until 2:15 to get on a waiting list somewhere is too damn late. The kids are already spent and beyond cranky having burned up all their energy reserves hours ago.
  2. Unless you ALL want to go to the same store/street, DON'T try to stay together. It just won't work. I spent a lot of time waiting outside stores I had no interest in and later being dragged past stores that I knew Jess wanted to go into. Splitting up into smaller more manageable groups/couples is just smarter and will work out better in the long run for everyones sanity sake.
  3. DON'T change the return time plans out of the blue in the middle of the day. It just fucks up the mood and pace of the rest of the day.
  4. Take more than one car. We did do this but I wanted to mention it as a requirement. Had we not taken more than one car then splitting up would not have been possible and I'm pretty sure I'd have gone psycho stabby at some point.
Don't get me wrong. I like Savannah. I don't mind going to Savannah. I just wish I had more time to enjoy the trip and see all the sights. There is a ton of history all over the town and I never have the time to appreciate it. I think I'll schedule a weekend get-away sometime in the Spring and make the time to enjoy the sights.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Shaming (or at least a weak, ineffective attempt at one)

Ah the Holidays..... A time when friends and family come together to eat, drink, and be merry. A time of year when people try to "be good for goodness sake" as the song goes. A time when everyone is trying to be happy and just be jolly.

At least that's the plan.

Enjoying the holidays isn't always fully possible sometimes. This is mainly due to the actions of the self-important and arrogant masses "defending Christmas". These people use this time of year to lay claim to the entire holiday season as THEIR holiday and demand that you refer to it by THEIR holiday name and ONLY that name. Anyone who doesn't is in a "War on Christmas" (to use their own words). They demand that you say "Merry Christmas" and take personal offense at "Happy Holidays". Businesses that use open minded, all inclusive phrases like "Happy Holidays" are met with hatred and calls for boycott. They expend so much energy trying to shove their version of the holiday down everyones throats that they forget to just be thankful for what they have and actually enjoy the Holiday Season.

My own personal experience starts with the countless emails I get from a particular family member around this time of year. (Hi Dad) Despite conversations where its been clearly stated that we just won't agree on Politics or Religion, I am still bombarded with email forwards. Everything from repetitive "Jesus is the reason for the season" to racist political emails disparaging President Obama, his policies, and his attempt to turn this country around. Yes, I see the conflicting messages in the two types of emails listed. Sad aren't they? Members of a supposed religion of peace and love are the first to throw stones and spread fear and hate when they aren't the ones in control of the government. When they are in power, science is pushed aside, countless thousands die in illegal and unnecessary wars, phones are illegally wiretapped, intolerance reigns, people are tortured, and basic rights assured in the U.S. Constitution are ignored by the administration because they're inconvenient. When they aren't in power, education and science are encouraged, healing and caring for people (healthcare for the masses) is a key issue, and tolerance is encouraged. It's no wonder I'm on the opposite side of the fence.

My personal persecution continues in the annual family gathering (father's side) on Christmas Eve. For most of my adult (18+) life I've been attending this gathering. It's always been a time of food, fun, and many laughs and good times. A time that I get to see people that I only see around this time of year. (That is partially what the Holiday is for after all.) That all changed the year my brother got married. He married a wonderful woman who just happens to be Jewish. Yeah, I know, I don't see the big deal either but it apparently rocked the house to the foundation because the first holiday gathering after that marriage began what my brother and I referred to as "The Shaming of the Jew". Never before, in all the years of gatherings, has the Bible been brought out and a reading held. Once a Jew was present at the gathering, I guess the need was felt to shove a particular point of view in her face. Thus the new tradition of reading from the Bible came to be. My brother later moved away (I wonder why?) and the tradition has now evolved into "The Shaming of the Atheist". So this year I sat quietly as scripture was read and a speech spoken detailing how Christmas is a Christian holiday and the 'Primary' reason for the season. (I love how the word "primary" was worked into the speech this year. It at least shows some inclusion of myself.) When the "Shaming" was over it was back to the fun and good family times. I didn't push my view down their throats, I didn't rebut their opinion, I just let it be because I'd rather expend my energy in fruitful and creative ways rather than attempt to open a mind that has been rusted shut. There isn't enough WD-40 in the Universe to open those particular minds.

I hate to break it to the masses but Christians do not have a monopoly on this time of year. You should just chill out and learn to have a good time with your friends and family. (the stuck up ones that is, I know many Christians that are cool and don't shove their views down others throats. They have their beliefs and a respect that they are THEIR beliefs and not mine or to be pushed onto others every chance they get.)
I think the latest best writeup on this time of year that I've found was penned by Alyx Bradford -> http://alyxbradford.livejournal.com/84031.html It's more than worth the read and might even open your mind a bit from all the sheltered teachings you may have received over the years. If it's one thing I've learned, it's that organized religion HATES it when you try to learn and expand you knowledge of things outside of their dogma.

So where does that leave us? That's a good question really. Suffice it to say that I put up with my situation to see some of the members of my family and try to enjoy the Holiday Season. I say a plethora of Holiday greetings. I say Happy Holidays, I say Happy Solstice, I say Happy Saturnalia, and yes I say Merry Christmas. I don't get my panties in a wad when someone greets me with a holiday greeting that is not my specific version of the season, I simply reply in kind and continue on. It's the Holidays after all, now go be Jolly.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Hobbies and Interest

A friend of mine reminded me of the sport/hobby of Geocaching.

From the official site: http://www.geocaching.com

Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online. Geocaching is enjoyed by people from all age groups, with a strong sense of community and support for the environment.

Basically its a high tech form of a scavenger hunt. I can't wait to give it a try and see what interesting places and things I can find. I'm GeocacheGeek over on the site if you want to look me up. I'll also be blogging separately on http://geocachegeek.blogspot.com and http://twitter.com/geocachegeek if you want to follow me.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Keeping up on the Internet - Part 3 (Twitter)

If you've not at least heard of twitter by now then you've probably been in a cabin in the woods with no electricity or cellphone coverage.

Twitter (www.twitter.com) is a micro-blogging service designed to do answer one simple question:

What are you doing?

It has a 140 character post limit so you have to keep it short and to the point. Punctuation is optional as are spaces sometimes. (Hey, those things waste characters and with 140 limit every single character counts)

People "follow" your updates in order to see your post and you in turn can follow them back if you so choose. Its your choice on who to follow. Unless a person has their updates marked Private (thus defeating the purpose of twitter) then you can follow anyone you see.

Some terminology used in the twittersphere

Tweet = a twitter posting/message
RT or ReTweet = reposting another users tweet, sort of like applause for their tweet and passing it on
Fail Whale = the error page displayed when twitter is down or unresponsive
Tweeple = People that follow you and that you follow. Twitter + People (Thanks @PJ_Tweets for the reminder)

There are tons of sites out there that go into insane detail about twitter, its use, its abilities, and even how to make a business using it. There are just as many sites bashing twitter as there are promoting it. You're smart, google up twitter and find em yourself.

This post is designed to simply tell you how I use twitter and my opinion on its relevance (or not, take my information with a grain of salt and make your own decision on how to use it).

Twitter helps me keep up with news and information from around the country and sometimes the world. It has scooped mainstream media on current events and happenings more times than I can count. I will often read about something that happened and a few hours later finally see that same happening show up on a mainstream media site. The plane crash into the Hudson River is a prime example, news of the crash and pics of the plane in the water were on twitter and twitpic before mainstream media had a clue. Now do you see why CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc.. are all talking Twitter now? They are tired of getting scooped. Via Twitter I knew about the last few earthquakes to hit California long before any news of it showed up on a "news" site.

This is what I see as the main power of Twitter: The ability to get information out to a huge list of people in an immediate fashion.

Celebrities, Companies, Politicians, Pornstars, and Regular people like you and me... Twitter has them all. Who you follow is up to you. Pick the people that you feel bring value to your twitter feed and over time weed out the bad decisions if you made any.

Here are just some of the people I follow that I have found to add good value to my twitter feed.

NOTE: there are TONS of Celebrity IMPOSTERS out there, I only follow the confirmed accounts so you can be sure if I'm following the person that its the real deal.

@rozsavage - this incredible lady has solo-rowed across the Atlantic and has recently rowed across the Pacific from California to Hawaii in Phase 1 of rowing across the whole Pacific. She fights for a Greener Earth and is not above replying to her fans questions. She and I have chatted back and forth a few times. She has a new book coming out in October and embarks on Phase 2 of her Pacific Row in 37 days as of this writing. www.rozsavage.com is where you can find out more.

@joethepeacock - I worked with Joe years ago and find his take on things to be quite enlightening and unfettered. He speaks his mind, has a great sense of humor and has written 2 books

@mariancall - I enjoy her music and follow to keep up with new releases and information. She responds back to fans which I find very cool. CyberPR says this of Marian "Norah Jones & Jason Mraz never recognized their secret love child, because she was raised by crazy uncles They Might Be Giants." I highly recommend you give her a listen www.mariancall.com

@donttrythis - Adam Savage of Mythbusters. Quite possibly the coolest guy on TV from a geeks point of view. My dream job would be to be a Mythbuster working with Adam. His tweets let you in on some of the backstage antics and his pics let you see whats coming up this season.

@grantimahara - Grant Imahara of Mythbusters. The 2nd Mythbuster to join Twitter. He's new but so far has tweeted a few good behind the scenes pics. Shows promise :)

@BadAstronomer - Phil Plait PhD - worked on the Hubble Telescope and is now a writer and blogger over at http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/ Funny guy, good source of information on astronomy

@NASA - yes, The N.A.S.A. - Great for news and information on current space missions and happenings

@wilw - Wil Wheaton - yes, Westley Crusher from Star Trek TNG. He's a witty blogger and writer now with a few published books under his hat.
While we're on Star Trek, @levarburton and @brentspiner are both on my list as well. Both are funny guys and are active in the theatre scene in some areas. They tweet about their play work alot and other appearances that they are doing.

@calilewis - Host of GeekBrief.tv and Tech Geek Icon.

@rainnwilson - yes, Dwight Schrute from The Office and all around funny actor guy. He is quite funny to follow.

@lancearmstrong - yup, its him. Nice guy and updates pretty regularly

I could go on and on describing the people I follow, all 170 of them.
In a nutshell
If I listen to their podcast, I follow them.
If I have their tech product and they are on twitter, I follow them (@drobo @1password and @boxee for instance)
If its a celebrity I like and can confirm the account, I follow them.

You can see who a person follows on their main page so feel free to check mine out and farm for some people to follow. I'm @shawnrhill

Twitter is a cool service and a powerful tool. Like most things, it is what you make of it.

Happy Tweeting

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Keeping up on the Internet - Part 2 (Social/Professional Networking)

If you're reading this, odds are you're on the internet right now. (Duh! right) :-D

The internet has grown and evolved from the realm of geeks and nerds only, into something that everyone can use and enjoy. What was once accessible only via command line is now just point, click, load/post, and enjoy.

One very positive thing to come from the Internets growth and evolution is the ability to connect (or reconnect) with people over great distances. What was once called just "Social Networking" is now more accurately divided into the two major themes, Social Networking and Professional Networking. The difference between the two is as obvious as their names imply.

Social and Professional Networking has allowed many of us to reconnect with friends and coworkers from ages past (Hi Jan!) as well as more recent acquaintances. Sites like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Plaxo have enabled us to reform and maintain these connections over great distances and varying personal schedules. Its not always easy to manage work, personal, and family time to accomodate social gatherings and events. Any new parent can attest to this. We all fall off the face of the earth for the first few years of our wee ones lives. The internet and social sites allow for us to maintain connections even in the most hectic schedules.

Below are some of the Social and Professional Networking sites that I utilize and recommend everyone try out.

MySpace - This is typically viewed as your Social Network w/ Training Wheels. You can customize backgrounds and auto playing music. Its quite annoying sometimes but you gotta start somewhere I guess and the kids they do love the themes and music. :-)
Typical age of MySpace users are pre-teens thru High School but its not limited to those age groups. I know many adults with MySpace pages and I have one as well. I just never use it much.

Facebook - Time to lose the training wheels and start getting into regular social networking. Now your biggest annoyance is accepting or ignoring all the Application request you'll get endlessly from your friends. I personally credit Facebook with getting me reconnected to many long lost friends. Some that I haven't seen or talked to in over 20 years. MySpace connected me back to a good number but Facebook opened up the floodgates of reconnection.
Typical age of Facebook users are post-High School thru College and beyond. Again, its not limited to this age group but that is the predominate population.

After High School and College real life kicks in and you are considered a "Professional". A professional what is dependent upon your own choices but its still real life and no more school from that point on.

LinkedIn - Professional Networking, plain and simple. You form "links" to people that you work with or have worked with in the past and are then "linked" to their contacts and their contacts contacts. You join Networks from past or current jobs as well as enter your resume information to then search past jobs for others that you might have lost contact wtih.
This is a great site for the job hunter or person that knows of their companies need for talent. Its not about spamming job request or openings but posting the need or desire and then allowing for introductions from someone that might have a "link" to the person in need or needing the connection.

Plaxo - Another Professional Networking site where you form connections to those you work with or have worked with. Allows for the sending of messages through the site to stay connected or reach someone that you have on Plaxo but don't have their current email or contact information. Professional Networking sites are excellent "middle men" for reaching out to people and being reached out to without having to disclose your personal information openly.

Professional Networking sites are not the place for posting up what you're having for breakfast or how hammered you got last night. They are typically more proper and professional in postings and expectations. Remember, the stuff on a Professional Networking site could land (or cost) you a job so keep it professional and proper for the audience and environment.

Social Networking sites can also land, or more frequently, cost you a job. Be aware of your companies policies regarding postings and expectations. (if they have any that is). Take advantage of all the privacy settings available from each site to protect your postings, pictures, etc... as you see fit. Also be aware of your companies Internet access and use policy. If you're not allowed to be on Facebook or social networking sites during the day then stay off. Just because they don't have the funds to block the sites with a proper proxy solution doesn't mean that they are blessing your use of the Internet. Trust me, we IT Security Geeks see EVERYTHING you do from the Office computer. I have a stack of printouts, miles of logs, and a plethora of memories of the stuff I've observed over the years. Its amazing what some people chat about/do/view from work but that is a subject for another blog entry one day.

There are many more sites than the ones listed above. Feel free to try them all out at some point and pick the one that best suits your needs and activity level.

Happy Surfing

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keeping up on the Internet - Part 1 (Podcast & Shows)

Some have asked me what I routinely watch/listen to so here is a list of the Podcast I keep up with. All are Free and available via iTunes or from their specific distribution site.

Independant Distribution

TikibarTV - Forbidden Cocktails in a Swank Pad
The Guild - Internet show based on a WoW Guild and its members
Legend of Neil - Neil gets sucked into the Legend of Zelda game
Ask a Ninja - Q&A with the Ninja
EpicFu - Geek Culture and discussions
GeekBrief TV - Geek gadgets, news, and reviews

Revision3 Shows - www.revision3.com

- weekly recap of the top stories from digg.com
Scam School - Bar Tricks and Scams
Totally Rad Show - Discussion and reviews of Movies, TVShows, Video Games, Comics, etc...
Tekzilla - Hands on reviews of the latest gear, tips and tricks that improve the tech you already own

TWIT Netcast Network - www.twit.tv (Leo Laporte)

This WEEK in Tech - Discussion on recent and upcoming tech news with various guest
MacBreak Weekly - Similar to This WEEK in Tech but focusing on Mac news and rumors
SecurityNow - Steve Gibson discusses the hot topics in security today with Leo Laporte
Jumping Monkeys - talk about parenting in the digital age
net@night - What's happening on the 'net right now?
MunchCast - Your weekly trip down junk food lane

There are literally hundreds and thousands of podcast and shows out there. A bunch are just crap but many stand out and become quite popular. Internet broadcasting is picking up full steam and many of the ones listed above are the full time job of the people hosting them. We have now reached the point where anyone can create content and get it out to the masses without the aid of big studios and corporations. All it takes is a cam and internet connection mixed in with a little talent or topic of interest to a fanbase. The Podcast/Shows listed above are just my routine weekly viewing. There are a few others I watch sometimes, they come and go over time or don't update sufficiently to warrant a listing here. I highly recommend all of the above Podcast/Shows to anyone wanting to keep up with current pop/tech/geek news and culture.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Stop turning YOUR beliefs into MY Laws!

As pointed out in my 25 Random Things About Me post. I have little to no patience for stupidity. Even less for polices and processes that are devoid of logic.

A few events recently have triggered the "raging mental fist of death" response in my brain.

The first is the Snellville City Council voting to NOT allow Sunday Sales of Alcohol. A time when State Governments are cutting services and work hours http://bit.ly/YnXMf is not a time to get on your moral high horse and turn down a solution that will bring in the much needed tax money that Sunday Sales would produce. Its only a matter of time before the State's woes start to trickle down to the local governments more than it already has. I'm sure the surrounding areas that are not so backwards and stuck in the past will enjoy and do well with all the tax money that will be generated by you and your neighbors as you go outside Snellville to dine due to the same restriction you supposedly supported.

Here is a news flash for all you Bible thumpers out there that have assumed the position as moral savior of society. Stocking up on your beer, wine and alcohol on Monday through Saturday so you don't have to support Sunday Sales is idiocy. Drinking it on Sunday makes you a hypocrite. You really need to mind your own house and leave the rest of us alone. Stop turning your outdated beliefs and morals into my Laws. My son knows the difference between "adult drinks" and drinks that are appropriate for him. Seeing "adult drinks" does not make him want one nor does it corrupt his innocense or nature. Maybe your children are so sheltered that such an exposure would shatter their fragile little perception of the world but not mine. There is this place that I like to call "the REAL world" and I'm raising him to be a part of it and not be afraid of it. He will grow up understanding that there are things that some people get to do that others do not, be it due to age restrictions, job descriptions, or training and education. Education is the key to all learning and this includes social education through experience and exposure. Educate your children with the morals you want them to have but don't use Laws and Ordinances that affect everyone else to do so. Especially when large majority of you spend the weekend trying to see just how much Bud you can go through while watching football, nascar, or whatever your viewing poison is. Teach your children to take some responsibility in their own actions, know their own limits, and to respect the rights of others. Stop hiding behind making things you don't like illegal just because you don't like them or your "good book" says its The Debil!! - Helen 'Mama' Boucher (The Waterboy)

Here's a thought! If you don't like it, DON'T DO IT! If a business sells or does something you don't like, DON'T GIVE THEM YOUR BUSINESS! If a TV Show content is not something you want to watch or want your family to see, TURN THE FRAKIN CHANNEL!! There is most likely a remote control in your hands or on the sofa next to your ass. Are you so morally offended and stupid that you would rather sit there and be offended while looking up the phone number of the TV network to call that you can't simply turn the channel?
Is this so frakin hard to understand? If it is truly the "majority" of people in the area that don't like a business or TV Show, guess what, if you ignore a Business or TV Show it WILL go away. Running a business is not free and eventually they'd have to close. Producing TV Shows is not cheap and without viewers they WILL go away. If they don't close or go away, well then I guess you are in what we like to call the MINORITY and need to STFU because others do want the business or TV Show.

Why is it ok for you to go out and have a drink with dinner Monday through Satruday but not on Sunday? If you are so against drinking then why do you patronize businesses that are 'so immoral" for wanting to serve on Sunday? The vote to not allow Sunday Sales is what normal people like to call "cutting off your nose to spite your face". Its a stupid decision based on a groups outdated morals and obsessive need to push those morals onto others.

When the City starts looking to cut services or furlough workers we can look to you, Mr Moral Soul Cop to thank for the situation. Your backwards morals have robbed the City of much needed tax revenue that you could easily have chosen to avoid by not buying alcohol on Sundays but you didn't. You pushed your morals onto us yet again. I'm sure the employees being furloughed or fired will appreciate your moral fortitude while they look for ways to try and feed their families and keep a roof over their head.
I'm sure a lot of them would like to thank you in person, late at night, with a tire iron.

The fact that this measure failed is the 2nd point of blinding rage that screams inside my head.

What sort of City Council is EVEN NUMBERED?!?!?!?! How in the hell is that even remotely smart? All voting organizations should be ODD numbered in members to avoid the stupid stalemate like we had here. Do I really need to go on about how odd numbers can't be divided in the middle when votes are taken? To have an even numbered council is stupidity, plain and simple and this Council has again shown us how backwards and ignorant they can be.

I for one salute the 3 members that voted in favor of generating the much needed tax revenue through Sunday Sales. Those 3 at least showed that they are looking out for the City and its revenue stream rather than outdated morals that people are free to follow on their own every day of the week regardless of Laws and Ordinances.

That is my major beef with Religion. Its never happy unless its pushing its morals onto others against their will.

But that is a rant for another day. :-)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mental Blocks and wishing for telepathic links

How come I always come up with really neat Blog topics and entire commentary yet am never able to get to the computer in time or just forget them completely by the time I do get to a computer. I just got a new app for the ol iPhone to help combat this so I'll be posting up some mini blog entries and expand upon them when I get to a full keyboard.

Sometimes I wish I had a wifi link to the internet to just stream the ramblings and thoughts straight to the blog when they occur. Now that would be totally cool.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apathy and the retail sales drone.

I was recently in a Best Buy seeking to burn up 2 of the gift cards I had received over the holidays. I held these cards waiting for just the right item that had enough desire-ability to make me want to put up with Best Buy in order to purchase it. iLife09 was just such an item. I went into the store local to me but alas, they apparently were not smart enough to have any Apple products outside of iPods. In our adventures this past weekend we happened to be passing by another one so I figured what the hell. We get in and I find the section only to see iLife08 regular and family packs on the shelf. Not only iLife08 but also iWork08. Apple stores typically pull the old software when the new version is announced or just around the corner. To sell someone 08 and then release 09 the next week is just bad business and down right rude. Apple prefers customers to have an exceptional experience and remain satisfied rather than just run you through the stalls like comsumer cattle like most retail establishments prefer.

I grab the iLife08 box and begin the annoying quest to find a blue shirt that will actually stop and talk to you. The first guy was looking dead at me when I started scanning for help. He immediately engaged the guy next to him in conversation to avoid helping me. Just past him I got the eye of another associate but in a white shirt.

Ah, the ol Geek Squad, once an independant company and a name to be respected and revered. Now the butt of every support joke and laughing stock of the industry. Geek Squad people are not trained to troubleshoot or fix problems, they are trained to SELL you stuff. The few times I've been in a Best Buy and happened to be passing one of the Geek Squad chatting to a customer have made me cringe. They play on the customers fears and phobias to scare them into extra$, upgrade$, and of course lets not forget their $ervice$.
Congrats Best Buy for taking a great name and concept and filling it with enough ineptitude to circle the globe 8 times.

Anyway, I digress...

Mr Geek Squad asked me what he could help me with and I asked him if they had any of these that weren't outdated? He laughed and said "we should have it, i mean we do sell it, let me see if we have any locked up" As we were walking I countered with "this version shouldn't even be on the shelf" and he laughed. His response was "some people still want it and we have copies to sell". I told him that was a stupid position to take since its an outdated version and nobody in their right mind would want outdated and obsolete software. He chuckled again and said it wasn't his job to decide what to put on the shelf. We got to the mini-cage and he dug around and found copies of iLife09 buried in the back behind some plain cardboard boxes mixed in with a bunch of MobieMe boxes. I'm surprised they didn't still have .Mac boxes to try and sell to people.
I got my iLife09, used up my gift cards, paid the difference and will hopefully never have to set foot into a Best Buy again.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Elusive Dreams, WTF?

Why is it that I always wake up at 3:30am and after falling back asleep I end up having the most interesting dreams that pull me in and make me dread when the alarm goes off?

I wake up and hit snooze for another 9 minutes of "lets see where this is going" only to find that it never picks back up at the same momentum or takes a WTF? twist off into left field. When I wake up I have no clue what was going on, just that it was damn interesting and I regret waking up and missing the ending. I remember it being quite interesting and something that my mind was enjoying yet the Who, What, When, Where, and Why all escape my conscious thought. I can also remember if it took one of those WTF? twist because I wake up with the WTF? in my mind but not What the WTF? about.

Some people analyze dreams for a living. I wonder what they would say about a dream that you know happened, regret leaving, yet can't remember a damn thing about it?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Milkshakes aren't a drink?

After an evening of celebrating and drinking a group of friends became hungry and, despite a reputation for dickhead waiters and bitchy waitresses, decided to hit a local 24hr eating establishment in Athens, GA.
Upon arriving at the establishment the waiter, we'll call him Richard for obvious reasons (not his real name), eventually sauntered over to our table to begin taking our drink order.

Richard: What would you like to drink?
Friend1: Water
Friend2: Sweet Tea
Friend3: Sweet Tea
Friend4: Diet Coke
Friend5: Milkshake
Richard: I'm only taking Drink orders right now
Friend5: Yeah, I'd like a Milkshake
Richard: yeah but I'm only taking drink orders right now
Friend5: and I'd like a Milkshake
Richard: Milkshakes not a drink, I'm only taking drink orders right now
Friend5: thats all I'm ordering
Richard: but thats not a drink, i'm only taking drink orders right now
Friend5: fine I'll wait

Richard then proceeds to take the rest of the "drink" orders and shuffles off to fetch the drinks.

Apparently at this establishment, the "Milkshake" is not a Drink. It's a complex process requiring the maker have a Masters Degree in Dairy Sciences and a PhD in Complex Fluid Dynamics. It would appear that only a select few "Milkshake Masters" are employed at this establishment and they are in high demand and routinely backlogged.

And here I thought it was just some Ice Cream dumped into a glass of Milk and blended together.

Who knew?

Please join the Milkshake Awareness Group to help spread the word.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Random Things...

Currently making the rounds in Facebook is the 25 Random Things About Me list.

Rules: Once you are tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag. You have to tag the person that tagged you.

Note: I got tagged twice in almost the same moment yesterday

1. Its true, I'm a geek

2. I think its a crime to actually bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, just eat it in its pure, raw form

3. I firmly believe that the concept of salaried workers being expected to put in 45, 50, 60 hours a week is complete bullshit. Random overages happen but for a boss to say (and I've had it said to me) "you're salaried and expected to put in 45-50 hours a week" is wrong.

4. Until OS X I was a mac hater, now I can't stand Windows but I do give it credit for getting me to where I am today.

5. I'm a Sci-Fi and Discovery channel nut, the 2 best stations on TV period.

6. Like most geeks I can quote the Holy Grail as well as a plethora of other movies. Inconceivable!!

7. If I had a nickel for every hour I've spent on the phone helping someone do something on their computer that would take me 10min to do, I could have retired last Thursday.

8. I have little to no patience with stupidity but I always try to be polite when dealing with it

9. I believe that CEOs of companies should follow the Steve Jobs model and work for $1. They should be paid for their companies performance via bonus and stock value ONLY. CEOs that make millions while their companies tank and employees get laid off should be taken out and shot.

10. My dream job is to be a Mythbuster

11. I am a Level 80 Pack Rat with a Cloak of Hoarding +50, Gloves of Can't Throw That Away +35, Armor of I Might Need That One Day +60, and Boots of I Can Fix That Later +25. Just ask Jessica or look in my Garage.

12. I am a cross between Tim "The Toolman" Taylor and Bob Vila and have the medical records to and scars to prove it.

13. I go completely and absolutely batshit crazy at Halloween with the decorating

14. I'm a sucker for natural redheads

15. My upper lip and chin haven't seen daylight in 20 years

16. I love to hike and dream of doing the AT one day, just gotta get in better shape

17. I love Guinness

18. I have read the Belgariad and Mallorean Series by David Eddings 10 times and will probably read it another 10

19. I am thrilled and ecstatic that Logan loves to read and absorbs books daily

20. I know there is life besides us in the Universe, Statistically its not possible for it to be just us with all that we can see from our little spot in space. If it is just us then its a awful waste of space.

21. Believe it or not, I have never smoked weed but believe it should be legal, just tax and regulate it. "Gateway drug" my ass, gateway to the Doritos, Mountain Dew, and a Nap maybe but hardly to other stuff.

22. I have not traveled as much as I would like to, I plan to change that one day

23. I believe that some groups need to focus more on their own house and not what others are doing in theirs. One groups beliefs do not need to become other peoples Laws. Manage your own flock and let the rest of the world do the same.

24. I'm an early adopter/gadget whore, always looking for the next new thing and usually end up getting it. (iPhone, Drobo, etc..)

25. Hearing Logan playing in his room with his turtles and having an active imaginative conversation makes the universe fall into place for me, it is very relaxing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Atlanta Traffic and Self Entitlement

Why is it that every driver in Atlanta drives and behaves as if the streets and roads were put there for THEIR use and you are in THEIR way causing them delays by using THEIR road?

If there was ever a reason to Work From Home (WFH) it is so you don't have to put up with arrogant Atlanta drivers and their abusive habits. Now I'm sure that its similar in other major cities so maybe this post should focus on arrogant drivers and their sense of self entitlement to the road and all its lanes but I live around Atlanta so those are the idiots I see every time I take a drive.
Its not everyone, I acknowledge that and salute the polite drivers out there. The ones that pay attention, use turn signals, stay in their lane for more than a mile, and generally SHARE the road. Its the other guys and gals I'm focusing the full force of my disdain and loathing at.

You know the ones

-They have 2 speeds, Stop and FLOOR IT!!! with the former used only when forced to by obstruction
-They are 1/4 mile from a Green light just turned Amber and they floor it.
-They speed constantly even in neighborhoods and school zones
-They change lanes 5 times in a mile because the next lane over might just get them a few extra inches ahead of you or the car they are screaming at for going "too slow" even when its bumper to bumper traffic for miles ahead
-They assume that because THEY need the lane you're in that its YOUR job to look out for them because they aren't going to signal or even look, they are just going to merge right into you expecting you to let them over
-Even with no cars behind you for miles they will speed up, pass you, and cut in front of you to make an Exit ramp or immediately turn on their turn signal and stop to make a turn. They can't be bothered with slowing down and getting behind you, Nooooo that would be polite and not bother anyone. They have a inate desire to make sure that you are inconvienenced so they can feel superior for causing you a delay.
-They see the same construction signs that you see yet insist on being the car that flys by in the rapidly decreasing merge lane so they can get ahead of all the other people that planned appropriately and got over with plenty of time.
-They can't plan to save their life. They make right turns from the left lane or stop dead with a turn signal on because they just now realized they were right next to their destination. This is usually caused by constant and mindless yakking on the cellphone. Since they have no regard for others they just stop traffic to achieve their goal with no thought of the inconvienence they are causing others.

These are the people that need to have their license revoked and be forced to a life of public transit.

What is it with these types of drivers? Do they really think that their insane driving habits will truely get them to their destination any faster? Take a look next time you spot one fly past you. 9 times out of 10 you'll be sitting right next to or behind them at the next redlight. Most of the time I am breezing past them at the same redlight that just went Green while they were sitting at the Red. Since I wasn't going their speed earlier I did not have to stop but only slowed down to stop when the change occured thus leaving my momentum in tact and able to continue on while they had to start from a dead stop. I'm sure this infuriates some of them to no end causing them to floor it and race past me only to lather, rinse, repeat at another redlight down the road. This has been my experience on many occassions.

"Drive it like you stole it" is an expression for the racetrack, not the public roadways. With fuel prices on the rise yet again people should really relax a bit and try and squeeze every MPG they can out of their vehicles. An old Mickey Mouse comic book taught me as a child that driving like a madman only waste fuel and doesn't really get you anywhere that much faster. I try to remember that comic when I drive. I'm not always perfect but 9 times out of 10 my attitude is a direct relation to the amount of idiots I am confronted with.



And show some frickin courtesy out there people.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

And so it begins.....

Inspired by an old friend and co-worker Joe the Peacock (see: http://www.joethepeacock.com) I've decided to try and do some daily blogging.

I remember back in High School, watching Doogie Howser M.D., I would think "hey, that's pretty neat the way he sums up the days activities and experiences" 20 years later I finally get around to giving it a try. That brings up the question, was Doogie Howser the first "blogger" even though the term would not be coined for another 9 years? These and other strange questions are the random synapse misfires I deal with throughout the day. One stray thought leads to an entire tangent of I wonder... what if... why do... remember when... etc...

So enjoy the ride down the pathways of my thoughts and ramblings. It should be an interesting ride. Kind of like Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in the Mine Car chase scene when they are flying around..... Sorry about that, see what I mean, BLAM! out of the blue a tangent strikes.

Stay tunes for more.